Juanita H.S. Teacher and Bothell Resident Matt Breysse Appointed as Commissioner
November 29, 2016
(L) [shown here with District legal counsel Kinnon
Williams at right] was sworn into office on Monday,
November 21, 2016.
Mr. Breysse brings to the position a long commitment to public service. Born and raised in Seattle, Matt earned his Bachelor of Arts and Masters in Administration from Western Washington University, in addition to a teaching certification from Seattle Public University. An educator for the past 21 years, he currently teaches history at Juanita High School.
Matt had actually run against Margaret Wiggins in the General and Special Election held in 2015. Among his reasons for pursuing the role, Mr. Breysse
cited the importance of protecting “the reliable water and sewer system[s] that we all use [which are] easy to take for granted.” Matt relayed his commitment to work with the commissioners to make sure NUD continues to provide “safe, reliable, low-cost water and sewer [services]” both now and in the future, and to promote a “concern for sustainability, environmental stewardship and accountability.”
Matt and his wife Sheila have lived in Bothell for over 27 years and have raised their two daughters here. In his free time, he enjoys golfing and listening to live music.
Matt looks forward to meeting and working for the people of Northshore Utility District. He can be reached by email at mbreysse@nud.net.